Plastic Chemical Containers Can The Plastic In Vaseline Containers Leach Chemicals Into The Vaseline?

Can the plastic in vaseline containers leach chemicals into the vaseline? - plastic chemical containers

I'm worried that I use Vaseline on my lips. The container is made of polystyrene and causes fats / lipids leaching plastic chemicals and petroleum jelly is of fats / lipids, is not it? So I should be worried, because I these things in his mouth? What can you do to me? Are you a endocrine disruptor?


Tyrone S. said...

It is good, there are worse things on the market that we are in our body. Drink Soda, for example: What is the natural soda ash?

Thus, the leaching of plastic Vaseline in a hurry call, and use just before the filter.

Janet S said...

All plastics leach some degree. Oil is applied steadily worse with heat.

However, I am concerned that continued implementation of a petroleum product on the lips (or anywhere on the skin.) I suggest you go to the supermarket and buy a good oil lip balm. Burt's Bees makes to Aunt Bees - Both are made from natural vegetable oils and beeswax. If you are concerned about the plastic tube, can buy so little.

Burt's Bees (click) on the list of ingredients: ...

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